Home Business: Work in Fuzzy Slippers and Nightwear!

Many people look at working from home from many angles, some will say they do not work and very skeptical and some look at it as hopeful optimism. What must you consider before you get on the diving board and jump into your next business opportunity? I will be providing tips that will allow you to gather information and plan for in order to make a good decision.

You will now be a business owner. You will want to plan as a business owner and look at the tax advantages and what you need to do as a business owner. Keep track of all your purchases. If you are high tech, use apps on your cell phone, IPad, or computer. For those low tech and maybe not as savvy, get out and envelope. Make sure you move these regularly into your accounting files and stay on top of it. You will not want to do it once a year, before you have to send it in when filing taxes. The IRS has an approved iPhone app called "CAPTURENGO" to create digital receipts using the iPhone camera. But still, you will have to move them off into file folders for your accounting for your business.

Now, if this is your first business or what you want as your first successful business, you may not have a lot of money to place on education. Find local business classes to attend, work with someone you look up to in business as a mentor to help guide you, get plugged in to chamber of commerce to learn more about what you need to do.

The best incomes are the ones that make you money even while you are doing things you like and even sleeping. You have to be out in front of people you want to help. Are you an expert or at least know about something that others may not know? Write an article and post it to the EzineArticles website or a like website, or write an eBook and you may charge people money for it. However, before you write an eBook, what will make someone want to buy it? They must read something where you were able to help them either free or something for 2 cents. Don't think everyone will just join by catchy titles. At this point you start to build relationships.

When you are building your business, remember an important key, Time is Money and Money is Time. Do not let it escape you with doing things that will not make you money. Sure you will have to do things administratively, but do not do it when you can be getting your business in front of customers. Also, do not get sucked in by the catchy teases made on TV like Plaintiff Crushed by Judge Judy's Charm. No matter how it catches, it will not make you money. However, I said to manage your paper work and be neat, but do that when you cannot do anything else, like early morning with coffee or before bed.

In some home businesses, you must bring people into your home. The outside of your home gives your first impression of your business. Keep it neat. Also consider, you can do the work, but if you are not good at it, then get someone else to do it. Also time is money, can you do more to get in front of people or pulling weeds in the flower beds? This also goes to the tech savvy people. If you clutter your Facebook pages and twitter accounts with garbage people will see the garbage. No, all the coins you make in Farmville will never send cash to your bank account. It is nice to share things, but what will that say about your business?

If you are selling something on the web, make sure it is an easy process for customers to pay. You can lose more customers if the payment process is complicated. Some companies specialize to make the processes easy, go find out what they are. If a 5 year old would struggle, many customers would struggle.

You also need to keep your mental spirits up. Working all on your own can play mind games with you. Put on some soothing music, take a coffee break, sit back and close your eyes for 5 minutes. As I told everyone I worked with in home businesses, that everyone is nice that you need to talk to, but every once in a while, someone will be rude and ugly to you. They are having a bad day and some times that one person runs around a lot and you will run into them a lot. Do not worry, they are not meant to be in your business.

Now, the next thing you will want to do, and many home businesses do not do this right. A lot go out to sell everyone in their friends and family on what they are doing and want them in their business. I will tell you to stop. What is your business and why would they want into it. Just because everyone has skin does not qualify them to need to use a skin product. Also, if the business did not have a money angle, would you still be involved by using the products. If no, I will say, it is a wrong business. Ask the friends and family to assist you in finding what your ideal candidate is for your products. Then have them pass on referrals. I use to ask for friends to pass on my business card to people, but this did not work. I prefer to tell people, this is my ideal customer and why I think I can help them, I ask for friends to find people that have a want, need or desire to resolve the issue and then get me their cards.

Get your friends and family to promote your home business for you. Give them business cards so they can hand them out to the people they know who might want to use your services. You can even make it a fun game by putting a coupon code on the card which is specific to the individual you give it to, and then the person with the most referrals wins a prize!

Day one when you start your business, remember that you are the only employee. Understand what the requirements are to achieve your jobs goals. Find out what assets you have available to you in your business. If you need help with aspects of your business, you may want to farm it out. Now, if you need to add people in your business, you can consider getting involved with people looking to build your business while working with you. Understand some will take your bonuses and the majority of money to help you. If they say they will help you with a Ready Built team, nothing is ready built and they are just lying to you. If I said you had a ready built home, you would expect to walk in the door and the home was there. If you got a pizza, and it was ready built pizza, you would expect to walk out with a pizza how you want it. This is where some people doing this will take your money for themselves. Now, I will tell you that there are team builds where they will definitely help you add people in your business and they care about you. There will never be a ready built down line, because it will take time to find people to assist you. I have worked with some reputable team build organizations.

Thank you for reading my article and I hope some of the tips can help you in your endeavors. If you would like more information on what I talked about in this article, I would encourage you to reach out to me. See my author section and feel free to contact me!